Kurt wagner nightcrawler bio
Kurt wagner wife
Following the Technet's departure, Kurt became Excalibur's leader after the team gained several new members, including the alien Shi'ar named Cerise.
Kurt wagner birthday
Born in Bavaria to the blue-skinned shapeshifting mutant later known as Mystique, Kurt Wagner was shunned at birth due to his having blue skin, pointed ears, fangs, and a long pointed tail.
Kurt wagner age
Biography [] (Logged in as "User: Moira X") Childhood: - [] Kurt Wagner is the son of Baron Kristoff Wagner and his wife Baroness Raven Wagner (a shapeshifted Raven Darkholme living an assumed identity).
Kurt wagner parents
Kurt Wagner (also known as Nightcrawler) was a notable Human Mutant circus performer in Herr Getmann's Traveling Menagerie and later a frequent member of the X-Men.