Indian national leaders biography of william

Governor-general history

President: (Bombay, , Allahabad, ) Sir William Wedderburn was born in March in Edinburgh, Scotland.

indian national leaders biography of william

Viceroy of india

William Wedderburn was a British civil servant, politician, and a social reformer.

First governor-general of india

Leaders like Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Lal Bahadur Shastri and Indira Gandhi Bose played an indispensable role in changing the perspective of world towards India.
Last governor-general of india
Some of the Indian national leaders such as Dadabhai Naoroji, C. S. Subrahmoniya Iyer, Surendranath Banerjea, Dewan Bahadur Raghunatha Rao and others held a meeting in Madras and discussed the possibility of forming a national organization.